Lab Members

Haillie McDonough, Graduate Student

Haillie McDonough is a second-year graduate student in the Psychological Science Department. Haillie earned her B.S. in Psychology at Grand Valley State University in 2023.


Haillie has research interests in Behavior Analysis. Her Master's thesis project uses rats to evaluate the effects of reduced integrity on timeout from positive reinforcement procedures. She also works on research projects in the human-operant laboratory and the Northern Center for Learning and Health.

Haillie is currently a grant-funded Research Assistant in our laboratory's Northern Center for Learning and Health. 

Most Recent Poster

McDonough, H., Toegel, C., & Toegel, F. (2024, May 24-27). Evaluating response effort and session motivation in a human-operant arrangement of timeout from money-loss avoidance [Poster presentation]. Annual Convention of the Association of Behavior Analysis International, Philadelphia, PA.


Haillie has taught laboratory sections in the Psychology undergraduate program for Introduction to Psychological Science and Psychological Research II.

Logan Zupko, Graduate Student

Logan Zupko is a second-year graduate student in the Psychological Science Department. Logan earned his B.S. in Psychology at Northern Michigan University in 2023.


Logan has research interests in Clinical Psychology and Behavior Analysis. His Master's thesis project will evaluate the effects of various forms of feedback on learning and preference.

Most Recent Poster

Zupko, L., Grear, D., Jones, J., Toegel, F., & Toegel, C. (2024, May 24-27). Effects of instruction type and feedback style on performance and preference while learning clinical skills [Poster presentation]. Annual Convention of the Association of Behavior Analysis International, Philadelphia, PA.


Logan is currently a Teaching Assistant. He teaches laboratory sections in the Psychology undergraduate program for Experimental Analysis of Behavior and Psychological Research II.


Logan has worked as a Registered Behavior Technician at the NMU BEAR Center, where he provided treatment for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and developmental disabilities. 

Liz Brown

Undergraduate Student, EAB Lab

Lindsey DeWeerd

Undergraduate Student, EAB/HOP Labs

Emily Gloede

Undergraduate Student, EAB Lab

Kay Hintze

Undergraduate Student, EAB/HOP/NCLH Labs

Emily Irwin

Undergraduate Student, EAB Lab

Haley Nyquist

Undergraduate Student, EAB/HOP Labs

Jenna Wealton

Undergraduate Student, EAB Lab

    Not pictured: Caden Natale (Undergraduate, EAB Lab)

Lab Fun

Winter 2024 Lab Team

Top Row:  Emily Irwin, Jenna Wealton, Kay Hintze, Logan Zupko, Mollie Steinbrecher, Haillie McDonough, Skye Ritchings, Mackenzie Baranski (Lukas), Bottom Row: Jeremy Andrzejewski, Dr. Cory Toegel, Dr. Forrest Toegel (Hallie), Not pictured: Cody Salverson, Carly Cody, Taylor Bartley, Addie Bailey, Lindsey DeWeerd, Heron Dyer, Haley Nyquist

Fall 2023 Lab Team

Top Row:  Dr. Cory Toegel, Jen Jones, Logan Zupko, Heron Dyer, Addie Bailey, Mollie Steinbrecher, E. Lesko, Taylor Bartley, Mackenzie Baranski, Dr. Forrest Toegel (and Hallie), Bottom Row: Sev Otto, Darian Grear, Haley Nyquist, Haillie McDonough, Kay Hintze, Not pictured: Cody Salverson, Carly Cody, Lindsey DeWeerd

Summer 2023 Lab Team

Top Row: (Lukas) Mackenzie Baranski, (Fabian) Sev Otto, Heron Dyer, Benn Cherney, Lindsey DeWeerd (Izzy) Bottom Row: Dr. Cory Toegel, Hallon Toegel, Dr. Forrest Toegel Not pictured: Taylor Bartley, Lily Meyers

Winter 2023 Lab Team

Top Row: Jen Jones, Addie Bailey, Kay Hintze, Logan Zupko, Abi Connolly, JD Payne, Cody Salverson, Bottom Row: Dr. Forrest Toegel, Elizabeth Lesko, Mackenzie Baranski, Carson Yahrmarkt, Darian Grear, Hunter Bault, Dr. Cory Toegel, Not pictured: Skylar Hough, Taylor Bartley, Kimberlyn Bartlett

Fall 2022 Lab Team

Top Row: Dr. Cory Toegel, JD Payne, Hunter Bault, Carson Yahrmarkt, Mackenzie Baranski, Jen Jones, Dr. Forrest Toegel. Bottom Row: Skylar Hough, Abi Connolly, Kimberlyn Bartlett

Summer 2022 Lab Team

Carson Yahrmarkt, Abi Connolly, Kimberlyn Bartlett, Dr. Cory Toegel, Dr. Forrest Toegel, Skylar Hough, JD Payne

Fall 2021-Winter 2022 Lab Team

Dr. Forrest Toegel, Dr. Cory Toegel, Carson Yahrmarkt

Where are they now?

Students from our lab have been accepted to a variety of graduate programs. A map of these programs is below.


Carson Yahrmarkt

Carson Yahrmart earned his M.S. in Psychology degree in Summer 2023. Carson completed his Master's thesis project in our EAB rat laboratory. His thesis was titled, Control of Pausing in Rich-Lean Transitions by Spatially Localized and Spatially Diffuse Stimuli. Carson moved on to the PhD program in Psychology (Behavior Analysis emphasis) at West Virginia University in Fall 2023.

Publications from our lab:

Toegel, F., Toegel, C., Yahrmarkt, C., & Perone, M. (2023). Rich-lean transitions produced by stimuli associated with accurate and inaccurate responding by pigeons. Behavioural Processes, 207, 104858.

Mackenzie Baranski

Mackenzie Baranski earned her M.S. in Psychology degree in Summer 2024. Mackenzie completed her Master's thesis project in our EAB rat laboratory. Her thesis was titled, Effects of Diazepam, d-Amphetamine, and Morphine on Rats' Choices between Food Alone and Food with Delayed Shock. Mackenzie moved on the the PhD program in Clinical Psychology (Forensic Psychology emphasis) at the University of North Texas in Fall 2024.

Publications from our lab:

Novak, M. D., Toegel, F., Holtyn, A. F., Rodewald, A. M., Arellano, M., Baranski, M., ... & Silverman, K. (2023). Abstinence-contingent wage supplements for adults experiencing homelessness and alcohol use disorder: A randomized clinical trial. Preventive Medicine, 176, 107655.